Our People
SAKS Consulting employs high calibre consultants from proven senior consulting backgrounds, who work towards dedicated client partnerships with a laser focus on bottom line results.
Our Consultants
Our consultants come from senior positions within the strategy houses, big four and large system integrators. They have demonstrable blue chip experience of working on international assignments in client teams delivering cross organisational value.
Working closely with our clients, for our clients, our broad and deep knowledge of technology strategy coupled with our commitment to remain independent of vendor alliances ensures our integrity at every turn. We offer a wealth of business consulting expertise in various vertical industries and are able to mobilise our consultants onto national and international engagements quickly.
Client value
SAKS Consulting has high calibre consultants from proven high-end consulting backgrounds who work closely in seamless client teams delivering exceptional results.
We are focused in delivering true client value bringing in the right intellectual and knowledge capital at a transparent price. Our company culture exudes client partnership with a laser focus on bottom line results.
Our Culture
The SAKS culture is one that encourages people to aim high and exceed expectations.
We never impose our own way of doing things on your organisation. Respecting your culture is our starting point to building trust. We also believe in the value of a smile and a sense of fun. Imagination, trust and partnership are fundamental elements of the SAKS’ culture. They are our core values which define how we work and are central to everything we do. We take pride in having created an ethos in which a true sense of partnership and trust among colleagues liberates our imagination for the benefit of our clients.
To ensure that we maintain the high calibre of consultants required to fulfill our strict criteria recruitment into SAKS is by invitation only.
Our potential consultants are well known to us before we approach them and we have generally worked closely with them prior to any position being offered, giving us the chance to assess their capabilities and to gauge whether they would prove a valuable asset to the SAKS team and ultimately to our clients.